Viva 2-step RT-PCR kit is specially designed to provide reliable synthesis of full-length cDNA and convenient application of cDNA in PCR. M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase synthesize complementary DNA strand initiating from a specific primer, oligo d(T) or random hexamer. The absence of RNase H enhances the synthesis of long cDNA as RNA strand does not degraded in DNA-RNA hybrid during first strand cDNA synthesis. With variety of kit options for standard PCR and long PCR, Viva 2-step RT-PCR kit provides flexibility in an easy use format.
Absence of RNase H activity allows high amount of full length cDNA synthesis with RNA templates up to 10kb.
Wide selection of primers, oligo d(T) or random hexamer. Taq DNA Polymerase and MaxTaq DNA Polymerase for amplification for short and long DNA fragments.
Kit Component
Viva cDNA Synthesis Kit
10X M-MuLV RT Buffer, 250μl
10,000u M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase
10mM dNTPs mix, 0.25ml
RNase-free water 3ml
40μM Oligo d( T ), 100μl
50ng/μl Random hexamer, 100μl
Viva PCR Kit
500u Taq DNA Polymerase / 500u Chromo Taq DNA Polymerase / 500u MaxTaq DNA Polymerase / 500u Chromo MaxTaq DNA Polymerase
10X PCR Reaction Buffers
50mM MgCl2
10mM dNTPs Mix, 0.25ml
Ordering Information
Catalog No
Pack Size
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR kit with M-MuLV RT / Taq DNA Polymerase
100 applications
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / Chromo Taq DNA Polymerase
100 applications
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / MaxTaq DNA Polymerase
100 applications
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / Chromo MaxTaq DNA Polymerase
100 applications
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR kit with M-MuLV RT / Taq DNA Polymerase
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / Chromo Taq DNA Polymerase
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / MaxTaq DNA Polymerase
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / Chromo MaxTaq DNA Polymerase