美國RND|R&D Systems
RND|R&D Systems致力于為中國生命科學研究領域的科學家們提供研究所需要的高品質產品,滿足用戶的需求,RND加速中國生物制藥和生命醫學市場的發展,提高疾病的診斷和治療水平,以造福全人類。 RND|R&D Systems
RND|R&D Systems總公司于1976年成立于美國,在美國NASDAQ上市 (TECH)。RND一直致力于各種細胞因子及其相關分子的生產研發。RND|R&D Systems的產品覆蓋面廣,種類豐富,質量穩定可靠,其生產的各種ELISA試劑盒、重組因子及抗體以其**的品質贏得了世界各國科研及**診斷機構的青睞。 RND|R&D Systems
RND|R&D Systems was founded in 1976 in Minneapolis, MN. RND It is a wholly owned subsidiary of TECHNE Corporation (a holding company with no employees). The stock is traded publicly on NASDAQs National Market System under the "TECH" symbol. RND TECHNE has two operating subsidiaries: Research & Diagnostics Systems, Inc. (RND|R&D Systems) and RND|R&D Systems Europe Ltd. (R&D Europe). RND|R&D Systems
RND|R&D Systems has two operating divisions: Biotechnology, which manufactures reagents primarily for the research market, and Hematology, which manufactures controls and calibrators for hematology analyzers. RND|R&D Systems
RND|R&D Systems Europe has a sales subsidiary, RND|R&D Systems GmBH, in Germany. RND|R&D Systems established a wholly owned subsidiary in the Peoples Republic of China in May 2007. RND|R&D Systems China Co. Ltd. officially opened its Warehouse and distribution center in Shanghai, China on October 1, 2007. RND|R&D China will provide products and marketing and technical support to our Chinese distributors. RND|R&D Systems physical plant includes over 498,460 square feet of laboratory, manufacturing。RND|R&D Systems
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